View Full Version : Reflections Wire and Sheet Offer available till the end of March!

15-03-2011, 01:55 PM
Starting the 15th of March until the 31st of March 2011 you can try Reflections Silver Wire (http://www.cooksongold.com/category_select.jsp?category=Reflections-Silver&Range=Wire&Type=0&show=N&prdsearch=y&pagenum=0&orderby=numpicks&numperpage=25&submit.x=13&submit.y=7) and Reflections Sheet (http://www.cooksongold.com/category_select.jsp?category=Reflections-Silver&Range=Sheet&Type=0&show=N&prdsearch=y&pagenum=0&orderby=numpicks&numperpage=25&submit.x=18&submit.y=7) for the same price as Standard Silver*.

If you haven't tried it before here is a list of the main characteristics of this great alloy.

It has enhanced tarnish and fire-scale resistance when compared to standard silver
It is age harden-able up to 90-110 Hv
It can be easily processed using standard existing jewellery manufacturing processes
It has 925 purity
It is excellent for stamping, drawing, spinning and rolling.

Click here (http://www.cooksongold.com/home/static.jsp?page=reflections-silver-offer) to learn more about this promotion and start browsing through our fabulous range of Reflections Silver. If you require more information visit our knowledgebase (http://portalgc.knowledgebase.net/display/2/index.aspx?c=12004&cpc=TKvN0Y442nJq41250385h0TtoO3RuDHqcReVI&cid=11047&cat=92930&catURL=kb%3d14395%26L1cid%3d75838%26L2cid%3d92930% 26level%3d3%26&r=0.29625016450882) or get in contact (http://www.cooksongold.com/help/contactus.jsp), we'll be happy to hear from you.

How do you like this offer? Have you tried Reflections Silver? What did you think of it?

http://www.cooksongold.com/images/banners/joomla-reflections-silver-offer1.jpg (http://www.cooksongold.com/home/static.jsp?page=reflections-silver-offer)