View Full Version : FREEPOST Treats for ALL!

28-05-2010, 08:38 AM
It's FREEPOST (http://www.cooksongold.com/home.jsp) this Bank Holiday weekend at Cooksongold.com (http://www.cooksongold.com/home.jsp) on ALL UK orders over £50! Freepost is valid from Friday 28th until Monday 31st May, ends Midnight - so what are you waiting for? Save £££'s on P & P and place your order online NOW (http://www.cooksongold.com/home.jsp)!

Don't forget FREEPOST is now even easier (http://www.cooksongold.com/help/freepost.jsp?), simply spend £50 or more and select 'freepost' in the delivery options menu - it's as easy as that! We will then select the delivery method most suitable to your order.

We are pleased to announce our NEW range of FIMO Soft Clay (http://www.cooksongold.com/FIMO-Polymer-Clay/). FIMO Soft Polymer Clay is easy to use, available in a huge range of bright colours and can be easily moulded into any shape and then baked in a conventional oven. Click here (http://www.cooksongold.com/FIMO-Polymer-Clay/) to shop FIMO including FIMO Soft Clay (http://www.cooksongold.com/FIMO-Polymer-Clay/-Range=Fimo_Soft/-Colour=0/-Effect=0/-Type=0/&prdsearch=y), Effect Clay (http://www.cooksongold.com/FIMO-Polymer-Clay/-Range=Fimo_Effect/-Colour=0/-Effect=0/-Type=0/&prdsearch=y), FIMO Kits (http://www.cooksongold.com/FIMO-Polymer-Clay/-Range=Fimo_Sets/-Colour=0/-Effect=0/-Type=0/&prdsearch=y), Tools (http://www.cooksongold.com/category_select.jsp?Range=Fimo_Tools&Colour=0&Effect=0&Type=0&prdsearch=y&category=FIMO-Polymer-Clay&show=N&numperpage=25&desc=&prdcode=&pagenum=0&orderby=listpricel) and more (http://www.cooksongold.com/FIMO-Polymer-Clay/).

If your order doesn't quite reach £50, here are a few more suggestions (http://cooksongold-mail.com/CI8-4X8L-291G80D003/cr.aspx) which might just tempt you!

Click here (http://www.cooksongold.com/help/email_signup.jsp) to receive freepost alerts direct to your inbox just to make sure you don't miss out!