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  • Ruedeleglise's Avatar
    Today, 07:17 AM
    Ho Ho Ho….he has decided he wants it wider and with s turquoise mounted on it…..bless him! The first was proof of concept (with “Dennis” help! I will...
    8 replies | 245 view(s)
  • Liquate's Avatar
    Today, 06:57 AM
    Liquate started a thread Hi to all in Say Hello
    Hi, I am Sonya from Washington, DC. I am an Absolute beginner, and I look forward to learning more about this craft and reading hints and tips.
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  • Kane33333's Avatar
    Today, 06:39 AM
    Kane33333 started a thread Hello all in Say Hello
    Hello Ellicott City, MD! I am excited to find this forum as I am new to metal jewelry making. So... be ready for a lot of questions.
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  • Dennis's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:03 PM
    Well done David. Hope the recipient appreciates all the mental agony involved. With the tie clip I had to add a safety chain, because they can fall...
    8 replies | 245 view(s)
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