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Thread: Competition to win a pair of Lindstrom pliers

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Barnstaple, Devon, United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by Amethystjewellery View Post
    I will check it out! Thanks for making me aware that it might not be all right for me to ask people to actually buy one finding from my site. (off to correct the competition listing)
    On a negative train of thought now....
    You know, I am beginning to wonder why I am holding this comp. at all because people are so suspicious of anything nowadays. O.K. - it is a marketing exercise on my part to drive people to look at my new-ish website and to perhaps click on the buy button, but it is also a genuine competition to encourage people to think outside the box and use something that they may not have tried before - brass.

    Free comps will always attract more entrants - something for no material cost is attractive to everybody. Do this and the chances are that some folk visiting your site might actually buy something.

    I hope I haven't offended you but I'm sure this might be why your take up on this offer has been low.
    Last edited by Di Sandland; 21-09-2009 at 09:01 AM.
    Di x

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands


    I must admit, I avoid competitions involving free anything, because I'm too cynical to believe that I might win something of value for nothing!


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Hi Sheena i have looked at your site and although at the mo dont use brass have deff added you to my favourites, good luck

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Masham, North Yorkshire


    I'm not big on competitions either and if I hadn't come across Sheena before I would be a cynical old f*rt.
    However, I've found her to be a genuine and helpful lady and I wish you all the best with your relaunch.

    The site looks fab by the way.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Don't be too downhearted!! On the basis that all publicity is GOOD publicity your promotion has worked pretty well!! 145 times your thread has been read and I wouldn't mind betting that most of those readers has gone over to see your website. It certainly has made me think about looking into the possibility of using brass in future designs. I think another problem that you might have hit by putting it on this forum is that most of us have a lot to do in very limited time and we generally have a set idea of what materials we are using for the particular ideas we have on the go at the moment. You may well find that you start getting sales off your site in the new year when people have got Christmas over and are looking for inspiration to add to their 'new lines'. I have been told by other people that you just have to think long term when building a business and not to expect things to happen overnight! I'm not too sure HOW LONG we have to wait though!!. And also that most promotional material only yeilds a 10 - 20 percent response if you are lucky!!

    Erm...remind me....What are we in this business for????

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands


    Quote Originally Posted by Amethystjewellery View Post
    It is fine, you won't upset me more than I am already. I will pull the competition and not be so presumptious in future, lol!
    Please don't be upset, because I didn't mean to upset you. I just meant that I don't enter any competitions for anything, ' cos I'm a cynical old f?rt!

    As Bee says, any publicity is good publicity!

    Jules x

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    London, UK


    Hi Amethyst. A suggestion if you do a future giveaway - why not give away a brass centrepiece or little bundle of brass things that could be used to make something. That would both encourage people to use brass, and they'd be more likely to buy extra findings from you to finish their piece! You could offer to display what they'd made on your site, too - promotion for them, inspiration for visitors.

    Top of the range pliers are nice, but... we probably all already have pliers! It doesn't have that "must enter" push.

    I'll remember your site, though, and I do use brass now and then.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Its O.K. I am chilled about it now, I went for some bead therapy and spent far too much today!
    Thanks too, for the positive responses.
    Last edited by Amethystjewellery; 20-09-2009 at 05:35 PM.

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