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Thread: Help! I've looked everywhere!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    The real question Dave is how much do you want and how do you intend to use it?

    For instance if you only want 10-12mm, it's very easy to make from sheet and round it on a mandrel-no exotic tools or great skill required.

    If you want more, one of us might be able to suggest an alternative.

    That said, order it from abroad and you'll have it in ten days or so- no great problem either. Dennis.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2014



    The hunt continues.
    Tried all the numbers and suppliers mentioned (and a few more), no luck.

    The US was a bust, they wanted ridiculous amounts of cash to FedEx it ($100) and that doesn't include various taxes our beloved Govt. needs to levy.

    So I have a cunning plan. As I can source 12mm tube.....I need to find someone with the skills and kit to draw it down to 9mm (9.5mm or there abouts would be fine, I'm not a fussy bloke).

    So happy to pay for your time & skills etc. Please let me know,

    Ever the Optimist,



  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Would it not be easier to just buy two pieces in the right size (ie 8 and 9 mm with 0.5mm walls from Argex and slot one inside the other?

    Otherwise, you need to find a friend who's travelling to the US and can have some delivered to a hotel...

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2014


    Yeah, good point, but I'd like to avoid having a seam between the two tubes if at all possible. And in my experience that would depend heavily on the tolerances of the tube (if the internal dia. of the 9mm is exactly 8mm and the tube to fit inside is exactly 8mm - it won't fit)

    I should point out that I'm not a jeweller, I fix Warrior IFVs and Challengers, so I'm good with a big hammer!


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveTT View Post
    I should point out that I'm not a jeweller, I fix Warrior IFVs and Challengers, so I'm good with a big hammer!
    Missed that earlier - yeah, you'll find that the hammers need to be an order of magnitude smaller. However, you might be able to swage the inner to the outer - if you've got access to the kit I'd expect, make up an expanding mandrel to do it. Just don't overdo it.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2014



    We have a plan. The idea is to make our own bit of kit for the job - mill a steel die with a 9mm bore. The opening and exit of the bore to be coned down from 13mm. A steel flat head 'rivet' turned to 9mm. Using a vice, we'll force the 12mm tube into the die and then push it through with the 'rivet', forcing it down to 9mm OD. Should work (we think!).

    Last bit of help please......Is there a calculation we can use to determine the length of the end product? (So if it has a length of 20mm when it goes in - what length is it when it comes out?)

    Everyones' help has been much appreciated (Oh and we'd all like to say that after looking at pictures of everyones' work here, we think that you're all elves)

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2014


    Wouldn't it be easier just to make it on a mandrel from 1mm sheet?

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2014


    Don't know!

    Might be if we had a mandrel that size and we had any idea what we were doing. There would also be the seam to sort out. We have vices and milling machines, once the die is made, a couple of turns on the vice and bingo.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveTT View Post
    We have a plan. The idea is to make our own bit of kit for the job - mill a steel die with a 9mm bore. The opening and exit of the bore to be coned down from 13mm. A steel flat head 'rivet' turned to 9mm. Using a vice, we'll force the 12mm tube into the die and then push it through with the 'rivet', forcing it down to 9mm OD. Should work (we think!).
    No plan survives contact

    The idea to swage down the tubing like that is similar to using a drawplate, the major difference being that with a drawplate the tubing is under tension so cannot crumple. Under compression, that might be an issue.

    Volume in = volume out, but *very* roughly (treating it as solid wire), you're reducing the cross-sectional area by around 50% so expect the length to double.

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