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Thread: Sparkly things

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Exeter, Devon


    Yes, I wanted to call it Isca silver but got overruled by my daughter, Isca is the roman name for Exeter, but my daughter Sam thought that anyone outside Exeter wouldnt know that and so wouldnt remember. How could they not remember meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Rhondda, United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by Patstone View Post
    Yes, I wanted to call it Isca silver but got overruled by my daughter, Isca is the roman name for Exeter, but my daughter Sam thought that anyone outside Exeter wouldnt know that and so wouldnt remember. How could they not remember meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
    I like the sound of that, Isca has a nice ring to it. Sounds like you are "unforgettabubble" I do my stuff with my mum too, and I tend to do the overrulling in our little collective, mwahaha.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    Quote Originally Posted by Patstone View Post
    she used to make silver jewellery too how about that for a co-incidence.
    It's in the blood, Pat. Any Swagmen in your family? Dennis.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Exeter, Devon


    No Aussie in my blood, Devonian in fact through and through. There wouldnt have been any connection with Oz if the lady concerned had not "had to get married" to an Oz soldier. She was shipped out in disgrace and told never to come to England again, and she passed that on to her children and they didn't either. Great grandson decided to come to find where she originated from, and left a note on the Exeter website that he was trying to find his ancestors, at the same time I was looking for the house that I had been told by my gran that they lived in as children, and hubby suggested I type the house name into google, I did and this chap from Oz came up looking for ancestors. I contacted him and he sent me a few photos via email, and one was of my grans wedding which was quite a big affair (very wealthy family back then) and I had seen a pic of it on my grans piano, then he proceeded to send me more pics, but he didnt know the people in the photo's, this is where my 93 year old mum came in and was able to tell us who her grandmother and grandfather were. When I asked her her grandmothers christian name, she didnt know, we always called her grandmother was her response. We found out with further investigation that we were second cousins, and neither knew of each others existence until 2 years ago. I was totally unaware that I had any other relatives, let alone a whole colony in Oz.

  5. #25
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    Rhondda, United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis View Post
    It's in the blood, Pat. Any Swagmen in your family? Dennis.
    I'd second that, Dennis - I got in touch with my birth mum last year after 36 years (I was adopted as a baby) and we both make silver jewellery too! So now we've set up our little collective with another friend and we make stuff together!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    That's Magic.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Rhondda, United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis View Post
    That's Magic.
    Spooky more like! In our case, nature certainly beats nurture when it comes to character traits between me, me mum, my half brothers and even my aunties. Accent apart, we all sound very similar on the phone too. Hobbies, interests, tastes, sense of humour (evil), opinions, and even the way we curl up at the end of the sofa. Like a pair of bookends...

    I don't know if jewellery is in the blood, but there's often a bit of blood in the jewellery
    Last edited by Melanie De Castro Pugh; 20-07-2011 at 07:13 PM.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Exeter, Devon


    I think thats wonderful Mel. Had to laugh at the blood on the jewellery, I dont get blood on mine, but I do keep burning myself. I lost my eye in a cataract op that went wrong three years ago, and the next year I started making silver jewellery - it was more of a bad things happen but you have to get on with life as best you can, but you lose the distance vision in as much as you cant tell how far things are away from you (just close one eye and try to pour water into a glass from a jug - do it over the sink tho). I am still nursing a blister on my thumb where I got my thumb in the way of the torch, not realising it was as close. Ouch and a few choice words !!!!!!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Saint Austell, United Kingdom


    Quote Originally Posted by Patstone View Post
    I think thats wonderful Mel. Had to laugh at the blood on the jewellery, I dont get blood on mine, but I do keep burning myself. I lost my eye in a cataract op that went wrong three years ago, and the next year I started making silver jewellery - it was more of a bad things happen but you have to get on with life as best you can, but you lose the distance vision in as much as you cant tell how far things are away from you (just close one eye and try to pour water into a glass from a jug - do it over the sink tho). I am still nursing a blister on my thumb where I got my thumb in the way of the torch, not realising it was as close. Ouch and a few choice words !!!!!!
    I have both my eyes and yet I still burn or even saw my fingers ~ we have a joke in my family that my fingerprints are now non existant!!

  10. #30


    nice - like that yellow saphire ring, looks like the kind of thing i'm aiming at.


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