Hi all,
First time posting on here and I'm hoping it's okay to ask for some advice regarding my engagement ring.

My questions are as below, with some background ramble to follow:

1. Can the ring be repaired with confidence this won't happen again? Could structural integrity of the ring be comprised going forward from this damage?
2. Is the design flawed? I am honestly baffled how I could not be aware that the platinum had literally snapped, is the mount too high for how dainty the band is?
3. Does the soldering look correct in the centre?

This is the 2nd time the head of my engagement ring (platinum with diamond cluster) has snapped off. The first time I thought it was a physical fluke/the impossible had happened. I caught it on the edge of the oven glass and it literally ripped off, I haven't an idea how the force snapped platinum (it didn't hurt my finger), luckily the goldsmith agreed to repair it for free. Very shortly after I noted one of the prongs was bent and had to return the ring again, the jewellers argued that I must be too heavy handed and needed to be more careful, I was very frustrated as I had no idea how the damage even happened the 2nd time round, I just noticed it shortly after the first repair and was very upset. They agreed to repair it for free again.
Now the head has snapped off again! This time I didn't even know it had happened, I was absolutely distraught when I felt the sharp prongs after returning from an evening out. I rang my parents (who i'd been out with at the time) and my Mum said she'd seen it on my finger not long before we left so I decided to go drive back to where we'd been parked, I was so relieved to find it on the pavement well over an hour later! So, I can only guess it happened when I put my son into the car, but I cannot understand how I didn't even feel or know it had happened?

Any insight would be appreciated, thanks!