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Thread: Wire wrapped mens pendants... completely bad idea?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2021

    Default Wire wrapped mens pendants... completely bad idea?

    Hi people,

    I'm new to jewellery and have been making wire-wrapped mens pendants.

    They are nothing special at all, just simple loops and ring type things.

    I really enjoy the calm and logical thinking of wire-work, but...

    I've recently noticed how easy it is for them to 'pluck' chest hairs and wondered if this is a complete killer for the whole idea / enterprise?

    I don't wear pendants enough myself to know if jewellery plucking at chest hairs is a complete deal breaker or simply something that men who wear pendants know about and live with.

    I have a tendency to panic a little and at the moment I'm wanting to just throw them all in the bin and stop with the wire-wrapping.

    Sooooooo, does anyone have any common wisdom on the subject of wire-wrapped mens pendants?

    Is occasional hair snagging simply a completely normal side effect and not something to get in a panic about?
    Or is wire-wrapped mens jewellery a well known no-no and a terrible idea?

    Thanks in advance.:-)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2021


    Oh good question and I'll be lurking for the answer.

    I've been asked to add a bail to a (male) friends stone. It's been pierced sideways (like a bead) rather than front to back and I was debating whether a wire wrapped mounting would be the way forward as I really don't want to be soldering anywhere near this stone. It's a chunky bit of rock and needs a substantial mount or it'll look odd

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Not well-known to me, but if it started pulling out hairs I'd get fairly tired of it fairly quickly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by ps_bond View Post
    Not well-known to me, but if it started pulling out hairs I'd get fairly tired of it fairly quickly.
    Me too. :-(

    In my head they would have been the kinds of pendants that you wear outside your t-shirt or whatever you are wearing. Is there a specific name for the kind of pendant that is meant to be seen, not tucked away?

    I was chatting to my daughter about it and she pretty much only wears the kinds of pendants that you would wear over clothes. She found the idea of wearing a pendant under a top a bit strange.

    Anyway, I'm trying to re-think the weaving to avoid the tight curls on the outer edges that are causing the problems. Even if I can only knock off half the offending loops that still halves the chance of catching something.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Tbh if I’ve seen men wearing pendants at all they are very short and worn tight round their necks as more of a choker than a pendant, that doesn’t always mean they are worn on top of fabric. Unless you’re aiming for medallion man with 3 buttons of his shirt undone then hair up to the neck maybe isn’t for wire wrapped work.
    As Bob has suggested a lot of people, both men and women , wear small pendants close to their skin especially if they have sentimental value
    Last edited by CJ57; 04-03-2021 at 02:18 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    South Australia


    I sometimes wear a limited edition silver ingot type pendant, it was gift from my partner, I don't wear it for show, but if it was pulling hairs I would not wear it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    West Berkshire


    What about a prong mount? I've made a few of those for odd shaped stones (meteorite for a male friend)

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