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Thread: Gold Electroplating vs. PVD

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Default Gold Electroplating vs. PVD

    Hi everyone, I've heard a lot about PVD vs. electroplating on both sides. Which one will really last longer if I'd like to get my pieces 18K gold plated (not by myself)? Is it true that PVD just seems to last longer because of a titanium nitride layer underneath?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    South Australia


    PVD is a method of application it does not harden the material being applied, it will scratch and it will wear off, in saying that it is a high quality process and therefor is a more efficient and more complete process, by that
    you get more complete coverage
    Th only personal experience I have had is magnesium Alloy car wheels, it was very expensive, I would not do it again unless it was purely for show, epoxy paint would have have been a more durable longer lasting finish.

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