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Thread: Chit chat

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    I tend to read in gaps when things are in pickle, I probably should be getting on with something else but am just after some 'input' and always discover a bit of information I didn't previously know. In fact it was reading the forum that gave me the impetus to go for it and open my Etsy shop! Its a virtual Aladdin's cave of knowledge! (Must post more questions and not worry that they're too simple)..

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    I drop by most days, and sometimes it's busy, other-times quiet. I think that flux of traffic is just 'part and parcel'.

    I don't do facebook and tho I have a twitter account, don't really use it.

    The 'news' 'round these parts is that I've been setting some huge stones.. that is, just about finished building a patio. It has taken me an age, but something I've been doing to strengthen my back, so just chipping away. We're looking at the possibility of glass / steel balustrade, but for now theres a ~1.25m drop.

    Elsewhere, the Mrs is threatening to evict my jewellery tools from the back bedroom unless I sort out to contract splitting the large upstairs bedroom into two as my little girl isn't so little and needs her own room now. Its not a difficult choice...

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    I think we must heed Patstone's warning, that without regular contributions from our members, which are numbered in thousands by the way, this forum will go the way of its sister- the one we used to call 'the other side'.

    As jewellers, both professional and amateur, all your contributions are valuable even if only to stimulate further discussion.

    Some members are quite shy and when they finally take courage to start a thread, it must be quite daunting to have it ignored as often happens here. A member ignored is a member hurt.

    I don't do social media, but it seems that the 'like' button is partly responsible for lack of critical thought. Surely as jewellers, any relevant thread should draw out our personal insights and constructive ideas. OK rant over. Dennis.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis View Post
    OK rant over. Dennis.
    It was a particularly mild-mannered rant, Dennis, as rants go.

    On the lack of traffic, is it perhaps safe to say that very few professional jewellers/goldsmiths have much interest in sharing their hard-won knowledge unless there's some money in it for them, and many of the ones who aren't after money have little interest in talking about their job when they're not at work earning a living? Let's face it, in all walks of life, most of the real enthusiasts are amateurs.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Given silver work is a hobby for me and I'm pretty rubbish I don't post my work. I do answer threads on the rare occasion when someone else is stuck and I've figured out a way around the problem. At the moment I'm dealing with a husband in failing health and inspiration has gone out the window.

    I do FB as well and find some of the groups very useful. To name one, Jewellery Metalsmiths UK, which is one of the places where if you are having trouble finding something the answer is not Rio Grande or Monsterslayer or some other U.S. based supplier. The other site is Aspiring Metalsmiths which is also fantastic IMO. For both sites people post pictures of their work in varies stages ... either to show off or to try and highlight a problem or simply because they are new and proud of their first piece. No one is afraid to ask questions and any question is answered by several people (sometimes too many) offering their advice.

    I don't Tweet or Instagram .... but I do Pinterest.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    I'm awaiting the arrival of baby number 5 and still suffering from a particularly nasty case of hyperemesis gravidarum, so I've been quiet (sick and sleepy) for quite a while now
    Still working and stopping by the forum and various facebook groups almost daily, but only contributing if I think I'll be any use.

    I guess for a lot of people facebook is more visual and perhaps easier if you're having to update business pages anyway? But I still prefer the forum as as a knowledgebase.
    It seems to be one of the few places left where professionals will share their knowledge with those still learning.

    As Aquarius has already said above - It's difficult to find long standing professionals or trades people who want to share their knowledge, which is such a shame and perhaps why certain parts of the jewellery trade have succumbed to new technology.
    Finding a good hand engraver, for instance, is like searching for hens teeth. Many I've worked with over the last few years have now retired and the skills have disappeared with them

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2014


    Wow Lucie, Kudos to you. Baby number 5 and hyperemesis must be such a nightmare - I was hospitalized with it with baby no 2, so I know how horrendous you must be feeling (apart from the whole 4 other children to care for bit)! Hope you're feeling better really soon.

    I think the strengths of this forum come from the fact that it isn't just a case of pressing a 'like' button - which isn't really that helpful. Here people give constructive criticism along with their valuable help and advice which is so freely given. Also, Stacey - if you do decide to post your work I think you would find that people are really supportive and positive. It's not one of those nasty internet places where people delight in being mean and tearing each other down at all - its a safe place to put yourself out there, and get really useful feedback - honest.

    The fact people at all levels are posting their work helps to make this such a vibrant and interesting place to be. I don't have experience of any other forums, but I've gradually learnt how things are done on this forum, and pretty well feel at home with it now. I have tended to disappear frequently, but that's due to life interrupting!

    Also, unlike things like facebook, where its all about pressing a like button - I think this forum is more personal, giving a certain level of familiarity that you would never get from however many 'likes'. It feels like a great network of people, and for me - it helps me to feel connected in some way.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I think I am guilty of reading the forum most days during my lunch break at work, but then not really having the time to interact as much as I would like to.

    Also, I'm generally not much use for answering questions, as I'm still learning most of the time, so I don't feel like I can contribute an awful lot at times.

    I find this forum invaluable though, and would hate to see it wither and die, so I'll try to post more stupid questions for you all!

    I'm not really on facebook much (my own business page is woefully neglected!) so I don't see all the stuff that's posted on the Cooksons page. I'll have a look at it later...

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    [QUOTE=joella;88663]Wow Lucie, Kudos to you. Baby number 5 and hyperemesis must be such a nightmare - I was hospitalized with it with baby no 2, so I know how horrendous you must be feeling (apart from the whole 4 other children to care for bit)! Hope you're feeling better really soon.

    Thank you sweetie. 34 weeks of throwing up is not much fun I'm just about keeping up with orders and my oldest kids (10 and 8) are an amazing help.

    I completely agree that the forum helps me feel connected too, even if I do just pop by to read the feeds. It's sometimes the only adult contact I have for weeks at a time lol.
    I'll have to try and think of some more questions for everyone! Would hate to see it disappear.


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