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Thread: Putting children's doodles onto jewellery/keyrings

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Polly View Post
    I for one think that its a shame that Cooksons doesn't encourage queries etc that relate to the products they sell and that the forum encourages folk to look elsewhere.
    There's possibly the crux of this - the forum is hosted by Cooksons, but the membership (apart from the admin team) are not Cooksons staff or representatives. If none of us use a product, we can't comment on it. Similarly, if we've tried one and don't like it, we'll say so

    They do stock a fairly broad range these days, and a number of the items fall further outside the metalwork realms than I'm personally interested in; I'm seemingly not alone. If people *can* chip in on these areas, great - but if not, isn't it kinder to point them towards someone who genuinely can help? There's a huge difference between that and someone promoting a competing forum.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Thanks, Polly, for your comments. To be honest, yes, I did take offence to being told it's mainly silversmiths and studio jewellers as it does hint to being told to clear off to somewhere else and don't bother the more important people who make "proper jewellery". I have encountered this sort of jewellery snobbery on other forums, which is very sad.

    I'm not new to jewellery making, I've run a successful business for around 9 years now, so I'm not just another one who's wanting to jump on the bandwagon to make on-trend items without knowing anything about the jewellery making business. I offer a wide range of products to my customers but every now and then it's nice to broaden that range and offer them popular keepsakes etc. The items I'm asking about now may not be everyone's idea of proper jewellery but I like to please my customers by listening to what they'd like to see in my range and offering them choice if I can.

    I'm well aware that research and trial and error will play a big part in this new venture and believe me I have spent my whole weekend researching, however I thought I would ask on here midst all of my researching to see if anyone could pass on their experience and knowledge, particularly as instructional classes on such things are not available anywhere near to where I'm based. I'd far rather have no response than certain responses.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DaisyDaisy View Post
    Thanks, Polly, for your comments. To be honest, yes, I did take offence to being told it's mainly silversmiths and studio jewellers as it does hint to being told to clear off to somewhere else and don't bother the more important people who make "proper jewellery". I have encountered this sort of jewellery snobbery on other forums, which is very sad.
    I have to re-emphasise: I really don't believe that that is what you were being told. This is a low-context medium; there's none of the subtext that there would be with speech; as such, it is easy to infer meanings where there is no such implication. I'm also conscious that the last time you asked a question where no-one offered any input in response, you were unsatisfied by said lack of response - so which would you prefer?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Oh dear

    And I was genuinely trying to be helpful. I'm a member of the forum I directed you to, which was why I suggested it might be a better source of information than this one, where very few members are familiar with mixed media techniques, though I'd done my best to answer in my previous post, which you chose to ignore.

    Nothing to do with snobbery, or 'proper' jewellery, simply a case of trying to direct someone who's been previously unhappy at a lack of responses to a more appropriate place for this question, particularly as the other alternative, which would be etching, clearly wasn't right for you.

    As for classes, you don't say where you are, but I've found that if you want to learn something specific, sometimes it's worth travelling to do so.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Actually, I didn't choose to ignore your previous post, I continued to ask some questions thinking that you obviously know a bit about resin and what I was looking for but, alas, you directed me elsewhere. There may be members on the forum who post regularly and know a bit about other members but I'm sure you can't say what all members know and that there's nobody on here who could help me out with my query. assured, it's not worth my while financially to travel to any.

    Last edited by ps_bond; 28-02-2012 at 09:19 AM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Well I sent you some info to your private messages this morning, you may not have noticed you had received one.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Ah, thank you, Kwant. No, I hadn't realised I'd received a private message. Thanks for the info, very helpful, I'll look into that

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Hi DaisyDaisy. Welcome to the forum. We are a friendly lot on here mostly, and knowing George, I'd guarantee that she was trying to be helpful in pointing you to a site where you'd be more likely to find an expert in that topic. We're certainly not elitist on here. They tolerate me and my aluminium after all. If you find the answers to your questions, it would be great if you came back and shared it with us. We're always looking for new ideas on here. Good luck it it.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    DaisyDaisy has been on this forum for a while if you look at her past posts.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by caroleallen View Post
    Hi DaisyDaisy. Welcome to the forum. We are a friendly lot on here mostly, and knowing George, I'd guarantee that she was trying to be helpful in pointing you to a site where you'd be more likely to find an expert in that topic. We're certainly not elitist on here. They tolerate me and my aluminium after all. If you find the answers to your questions, it would be great if you came back and shared it with us. We're always looking for new ideas on here. Good luck it it.
    Thank you and maybe I will come back to show how I'm getting on with it. I have just today ordered some resin and some pendant I just need to find an extra 10 hours in a day to have a practice with it!


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