Hi Theresa,

I know this is an old post, but when I set stones with corners, even sharper than yours, I cut the bezel down so that the amount to push over is the same around the corners as it is on the rest of the stone. I don't cut V's as such, I cut down a gentle curve down to the lowest point at the cormers and that seems to work for me, no excess metal that puckers and disturbes the rest of the setting. This is something you need to do anyway with a lot of stones, e.g. I set a lot of turquoise cabs, and other stones, that are far from even in thickness around, and so I use a pencil and draw a line on the inside of the bezel with the stone in place, then cut down to that line all around, whihc means I cut more in some places than others, this makes sure you have the same amount of metal to be pushed over all around. Seems to work for me and in my mind looks good too. It's different of course with cut stones with sharp square corners, they require different techniques that I can't say I am that familiar with.

Hope that helps, and sorry if I have just told you something you already knew!
