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Thread: remake from scratch or augment?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default remake from scratch or augment?

    OK, this is a follow on from my other thread about gauges.

    The client wanted a 2mm thick ring and has found it too thin. He thinks that it is 1mm. It's not, it's just that he over-estimated how thick 2mm actually is. I apparently made it too big in diameter anyway so he is sending it back to me. He has been a regular customer so I do want to keep him happy.

    So I can fix the error in the diameter, but he won't be happy because it will be too thin. So I need to make him happy. I can do this by:

    a) Making a new ring from thicker wire which will cost him the same price again (which what with hallmarking etc was a significant amount) and leave him with an unwearable ring.

    b) Making the existing ring thicker, by adding on another ring. This will cost me a small amount in silver but him nothing.

    However, whilst the latter is obviously most preferable as it is cheaper for him (assuming he doesn't mind a double design) and I have the silver, how realistic is it to do the latter? Am I making a rod for my own back in trying to basically solder two rings together?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    My problem here Liz, is that on another thread you corrected me and said it was a bangle, not a ring at all. The only reason I am quibbling is that I am trying to assess your potential loss.

    From my experience in busines, I would say that these things happen quite rarely and it is better to keep goodwill and suffer an occasional loss. So If you think you can bring it to a satisfactory conclusion, make it again free and with a good heart.

    If you see no hope of resolution, then say so and refund him. Sometimes wire can be re-used. At worst it it for your scrap pot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I would say that as its a silver ring, your main cost is in the hallmarking. The cost of the metal is negligible. I would give him various choices -

    Solder another ring to it

    Make another ring and don't bother with hallmarking

    Make another ring and send it for hallmarking only when you've got a parcel of stuff

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I'm with Dennis on this one Liz, the goodwill (of a good customer particularly) is worth the potential loss,....and by the time you've faffed around trying to make it thicker and 'looking' right, some of that financial loss in material costs will have been saved by just making it (more quickly) from scratch again??!!!

    let us know what you decide


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    dear old Blighty - (in deepest Wiltshire)


    wouldn't you still need to send it back to the assay office if you add more than 10% of the original weight - or did I dream that somewhere???

    I guess the principle is the same whether one thought it a ring or a bangle (although I read it to be a ring, but that maybe because I was skim reading and ogling at the lovely gauges, I mean looking at some research of best tools)

    In this case, if it were me where you are Liz, I would go back to the customer and see what they wanted with a range of solutions you feel you can offer.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Its ring shaped but neither a ring nor a bangle. As it is currently it doesn't need hallmarking but I send most things off to be done. That said I only get maybe one order a month at the moment so hallmarking is a large cost.

    I'll offer to do a thicker one for free but tell him it won't be hallmarked. I have sone 3mm x2mm oval wire I think.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    I think I know what it is

    I think your solution is the best one - especially as he was prepared to admit it was too big for him. Surprised 2mm ID makes such a difference though.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Agreed, if it is under the weight, remake and don't hallmark. I'm not sure you can accept a return on this one if I've read correctly...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Myosotis View Post
    I think I know what it is

    I think your solution is the best one - especially as he was prepared to admit it was too big for him. Surprised 2mm ID makes such a difference though.
    every mm counts.

    Quote Originally Posted by LydiaNiz View Post
    Agreed, if it is under the weight, remake and don't hallmark. I'm not sure you can accept a return on this one if I've read correctly...
    well if it turns out I did mis-measure then a return is fine. I suppose that in making it round I could have stretched it a bit too far and it has caused the wire to become thinner than I thought, especially with polishing.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    I thought it might be for a body part/piercing that a return would be unsuitable for. (Did that make any sense?) I think you're doing all you can really.


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