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Thread: Priced Out.

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Exeter, Devon


    Thanks all you lovely people about the shop. I will keep you informed of the things that happen. Should be good for a laugh if nothing else, I will put the latest in "The Lounge" part of the forum. We wont be opening for a few weeks cos we have to set it up as it was an office before.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    One suggestion for the shop name - Pat and (your friends name) treasures... ? Or the names the other way round if it sounds better? It gives an indication that its two people producing something to collect, treasure, value...

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    How about gallery four, that sounds better than unit.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Exeter, Devon


    I have been overruled I am afraid the two younger ones want to call it by two separate names, Beloved memories and Isca silver or something like that.
    Stupid but it will be run like two seperate businesses, not financially tied, only by the rent sharing. Not quite sure how it will work out, I will give it six months and then if our lives have managed to sort themselves out, we will decide then what to do. It is quite a difficult decision, if it was just me and hubby involved we would work around it, but as we havent been married long, I want to spend my spare time with him, and he works nights, so sleeps from around 5pm until 1.30am and of course I have two quite young dogs to consider. The Labrador is only 3 but typical lab, nothing fazes him and he is so laid back, but the other one is a border terrier female and is just 2, so is a bit boisterous, otherwise I could take them with me, and the shop is only little, its about 13 foot by about 11 foot, so not much room for a dog cage for little un either. Any ideas would be more than welcome. Dog sitters cost £15 a day for both.

    Quote Originally Posted by caroleallen View Post
    How about gallery four, that sounds better than unit.


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