I'm curious when you say you make all the jewellery yourself, do you mean you make up the bracelets and necklaces or you make the actual bracelets, necklaces and charms? I agree with the other two comments about the adverts on the site being off putting, I would have also left straight away normally. I found the site hard to navigate, took me a while to find pictures, and couldn't find your daughters jewellery or any earrings anywhere, also there was no information with each picture, just said gold chain and gold drop, I assume you mean gold tone as it is't possible for it to be 9ct gold at that price, I would have liked some info with each item, which are sterling silver? which ae Tibetan silver? what other metals were used? as a person with metal allergies I would not be able to buy anything even if I wanted to because of lack of information on individual items. Sorry to be negative but you asked for it, and I do think these are valid points. Good luck with it