The house we were looking at in Hayle was let on Monday

We're having a bit of a tough time of it because alot of places refuse to deal with DSS people (my OH is on benefits because he is very sick and I am disabled but trying to work my way off into my own business).

However, despite all the stupidly rip off ways they will only let some places to DSS (A guarantor + Deposit (£900) + 6 months rent in advance + £150 application and another £35 application for something else... yeah because we have that being on incapacity benefits ) we have found some really nice places willing to consider us without all that palaver!

I don't get it though, they get paid direct from the Government every month... if I was working I could walk into the tenancy and give up my job and they'd not be guaranteed anything!!

We are definitely aiming to be down there somewhere BEFORE this Christmas but geez... they like to make it difficult for you, we don't WANT to be on benefits, I'm sure my OH really enjoyed giving up his tech job for his lung problems and a tenth of what he was earning eh?

Anyway apart from a bit of a moan above we're still looking and have seen two nice bungalows in Carbis Bay which are beautiful, overlook the sea and will do both myself and OH's health the power of good! I just hate it when honest, vulnerable benefits claimants get tarred with the bad ones... some of us are honest and upstanding but just in a bad position in life right now Grr!

Hopefully I will be able to get my business going down there selling to trinket shops and the like... or even looking into opening my own shop perhaps!