I think a lot of selling is confidence in your work its a difficult thing though I agree. I started selling my work and was not making any profit because I didnt charge enough and was just pleased somebody wanted to buy it, with time I found I couldnt afford to continue if something didnt change so I worked out I would charge 2.2 x the cost price and stuck to that, I never give discounts but will sell something bigger cheaper and always charge friends more because they are the most hassle lol .Using the Apple adage Macs looked the best when most computers were beige boxes they had opaque plastics and clever design thats why they can charge more for something that is less powerful as a rule. The general public in general are not all computer experts but they know when something looks good, I think the same thing applies to jewellery if it looks good and you sell it correctly you should have the confidence to charge the correct money for it. let the bargain hunters drape themselves with the finest Elizabeth Duke has to offer you cant compete with the mass produced stuff anyway they make profit on volume. Go for the people that want to have what your offering sell them a story on how it was hewn with your own fair hands or a lifestyle choice whatever works but make them feel good cause you dont really get that experience stood waiting in a queue for your number to come up on a screen wondering if you should of bought the extra insurance !