As some of you already know my daughter and I make silver jewellery. I have just gone back to work again for three days a week after five or so years of retirement, but my daughter is the one with the problem. She works for the Donkey Sanctuary, and as its working on a farm for safety reasons they work in pairs, recently they have paired her with a girl that she doesnt get on with. My daughter has been there for a long time (12 years or so) and until last week, really enjoyed her job and is thought highly off by her boss. However because of the rift, she wants to leave and wants to know if she wanted to make jewellery as a full time job, could she make it pay enough to cover the £1200 a month she gets while working, and where would she start. We do craft fairs two weekends a month and make about £200 on each, so not enough to stop work. I am really worried for her as she has a mortgage which she pays on her own, so no other income coming in apart from her job. Personally I think she is mad, apart from a reasonable wage that she is getting now, she also gets a wonderful pension, they pay in as much as she does, so decision not to be taken lightly. I know Carole in Cornwall does it, but she teaches as well, daughter cant really teach from her spare bedroom where her workshop is. Help and advice needed please.