I'm Helen Andre, live in Leek and trade by the name enchanted cobwebs though maybe if I'd opted for something shorter I might have been able to get it engraved / stamped on items more easily!
I dived straight into the 'Can you help me' section without introducing myself but anyone who knows me wont be surprised. I make fantasy jewellery most pieces incorporate a cobweb, items range from a pair of earrings up to throat corsets for a more dramatic look. When I was little in Ireland my mammy would point out cobwebs glistening in the rain / frost / snow or even sunshine (though not so often) as she walked me to school. I never forgot those cobwebs though at the time wasnt that interested as I dont like being wet or cold but the image of them glistening never was far from my thoughts
I'm not 'classically trained' I had a weekend course with a retired silversmith and have spent the last 10 years having a ball playing and experimenting. Not knowing the rules sometimes is an advantage though maybe that was just a few times! Often not knowing the rules means spending weeks trying to figure out what every one else know but its fun. I love what I do and delighted to find a forum in the UK. Cant believe I missed this one as I have been a cooksons customer for almost 10 years!